Read Achieve Succeed
‘Read, Achieve, Succeed’ is a trust-wide initiative which runs across both the Oldham and Derby academies. Our CEO, Antony Hughes, has a strong commitment and passion for reading and wanted all Harmony Children to share in this with him. The initiative was launched in September 2016 as a commitment to develop Reading for Pleasure and to ensure that all children have a book of their own for each year that they attend a Harmony Trust academy.
Reading is an important skill which aids learning across all curriculum areas. We offer a curriculum centred around thematic topics and key, high quality texts to instil a lifelong love of learning for the children. At Carlyle Infant and Nursery Academy, we are dedicated to ensuring that all children enjoy reading as well as becoming fluent, confident readers. We understand the importance of creating parent partnerships so have included information about how we teach reading in school and how you can support reading at home in the attached booklet below. Please also find information and links to various reading online platforms and details about our in-school reading helpers (VIPERS).
Please click on the following images to utilise online reading platforms:
Phonics Play: Parents are by far the most important people in helping children learn to read. Here you will find lots of information for parents about phonics including: what exactly phonics is, how it is taught in UK schools and suggestions for helping pre-schoolers prepare for learning phonics. You will also find lots of games and ideas to explore with children at home.

Oxford Owl: A free e-book library has been created to help children aged 3–11 to develop their reading skills at home. You’ll find books from Oxford’s most popular primary school brands including Oxford Reading Tree and Read Write Inc., as well as stories from our Read with Oxford range, all available for free.

MyOn: Renaissance myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books. Find your child's log in details in the front of their Home Learning Book.
The children are introduced to our VIPERS owls when they start in EYFS. These characters help to develop the skills needed for comprehending and enjoying a story. They promote discussions and help children to focus on developing reading skills beyond word-level. When reading with your child at home, try and include one of our VIPER owls and ask your child a question about their book...